We have the right plan and pricing for your business, from small to enterprises

Chose the one that best fits your needs


Usage Based

Start small and
grow big as needed

Starting at


All Features

Unlimited Apps

8x5 Support

Use our Calculator to estimate your cost

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High volume and
large corporations

We have a

Special Offer

All Features

Unlimited Apps

24x7 Support

Custom Training and Consulting

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Estimate Usage Based plan monthly cost

Straightforward pricing plans

Base Price
Active Users
Created Records
Started Instances
Activated Tasks
Api Calls
Webhook Calls
File transfer IN to BPM Star from internet
1 Gb
1 Gb
100 Gb
File transfer OUT from BPM Star to internet
1 Gb
1 Gb
100 Gb
Database Size
1 Gb
1 Gb
10 Gb
Disk Usage
1 Gb
1 Gb
100 Gb

Compare plans features

Usage Based

SaaS to start small and
grow big as needed


SaaS for high volume and
large corporations

Kanban View
Custom Apps
Custom Actions
BPMN Process Modeler
Form Builder
OAuth2 Apps
Custom Views
Single sing-on -
LDAP and Active Directory -
Community support
Support SLA 8/5 24/7
Remote consulting -
Custom training/professional services -

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Why that many variables to influence the price?

We choose working with a usage based strategy to provide the best value possible to all our customers from the smallest to the biggest. With the traditional pricing model we always have customers that use less resources paying for customers that use more, and we don`t think that is fair.

To achieve such a goal we break out our price variables to allow customers to better control what has been spent. A customer that uses more disk space but have only a few users will pay only for what have been used. A customer that have lots of active users but don`t create to many processes instances will pay only the proportional amount.

With that pricing strategy we can deliver the best experience possible for all customers charging only what has been actually spent.

How much database size I am going to use?

BPM Star use MongoDB as it's database. MongoDB is a document database, so all data is stored as bson objects that is very small in size. Depending on the document size you can store a average of 1M documents in a MB of space.

The average database size on BPM Star for 90% of our customers is about 400MB, so don't worry about spending to much money on database size. You can also configure alerts for each variable inside BPM Star to control how much you are spending of database size.

Old data could also be deleted to decrease the size of you database to reduce the amount paid.

Why the unit price of some variables increase/decrease as usage?

Some variables when it's use is increased don't affect the overall performance of the system. That kind of variable will have it's unit price decreased as used to provide our customers a better value for the price. Ex: Created Records and Started Instances doesn't affect the overall performance of the system because it's creation is made by the user or via API that has it's own variable to be measured.

On the other hand, some variables when it's use is increased affect the overall performance of the system. That kind of variable will have it's unit price increased as usage to compensate the increased demand for technical resources such as memory, processing power, network, etc. Ex: Active Users, API Calls and Database Size directly affect the overall performance of the system because it's increase in usage require more processing power, memory, network connections and other technical resources to be allocated.

At first glance one could think that Database Size don't affect the overall performance of the system, but BPM Star use MongoDB as it's database provider and MongoDB require memory and processing power to increase as the database size increases. That's because MongoDB store part of your database on memory to deliver a fast response.

Is there any limit on the Usage Based plan?

No. The Usage Based plan has no limits. The limits shown on the calculator is only to provide a better visualization of the simulation.

Every variable measured on BPM Star has one or more price tier that is applied based on the quantity consumed. If you consume more resources than the limits shown on the calculator BPM Star will still apply the unit price of each variable.

Although the Usage Based plan has no limits, if you are a high usage customer we recommend going Enterprise to allow you save money using BPM Star. Contact us if you are considering going Enterprise.

Can I migrate from Usage Based to Enterprise plan?

Yes. Once you realize the Enterprise plan is the best fit for your business contact us and we will provide you with all information on how to migrate to the Enterprise plan.

Can I migrate from Enterprise to Usage Based plan?

No. The Enterprise plan runs a different version of BPM Star and have some requirements that is not supported on the Usage Based plan environment.

Is it possible to control how much I am spending?

Yes. We provide you a complete report of your usage and you can also configure alerts on BPM Star in every variable that we measure your consumption. See our documentation to understand your billing and see how you will be charged.

When should I go Enterprise?

The Usage Based plan fits every business, but you should consider going Enterprise when you organization needs some of the features only available on the Enterprise plan such as, custom support, better SLA support, training and any custom professional services.

You should also consider going Enterprise when you know your business will require a high volume usage. Contact us and we will have a offer that will better fit your business needs when dealing with a high volume demand.